Financial Education

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OneVision® Education Foundation stands at the forefront of efforts to provide consumers the information they need to wisely manage their money and remain on a path of financial stability. The Foundation has designed, developed and implemented a variety of award-winning, innovative personal finance education programs and conducts research on consumer credit, debt and other related areas.

Our education and outreach team understands that there is no “one size fits all” financial literacy education.

Broadcast:  “Military Money Minute” radio segments are broadcast across the United States and around the world.

Websites: We are proud to provide the web’s top personal finance portal for servicemembers: Military Money. We also publish financial literacy articles on and

e-Learning: Our eLearning courses help thousands learn how to budget, live within their means, pay down debt and improve their credit scores.

eBooks: From rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy and divorce to learning how to buy a home, our ebooks are designed to help consumers understand important financial concepts. Our books are free, written in plain English and available through Amazon and iBooks. Visit our eBooks page to view them all.

Workbooks & Workshops: We are pleased to work with partners who share our empowerment and education mission including Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, Head Start and others. If you are interested in scheduling a workshop, please visit Partner with Us.

K-12: The Foundation designed and developed an online resource to complement the National Endowment for Financial Education® (NEFE) High School Financial Planning Program®. The Web portal, called the NEFE High School Campus, includes a variety of financial planning educational resources for high school students and teachers. OneVision® Education Foundation funded development of the High School Campus program. For students, this program teaches money and business in a way that is fun and easy to understand. For teachers, it provides classroom activities that will help further learning opportunities about personal finance. The Foundation also has been instrumental in the development of two other personal finance education programs for young people. Financial Champions Academy and Consumer Savvy, each consisting of a series of books and a web portal with e-learning games, educate thousands of elementary, middle and high school students on a variety of personal finance topics each year.

Workplace: Employers in the private and public sector are beginning to recognize and understand the scope – and substantial costs – of the financial distress problem among their workers. If you are interested in scheduling a workshop, please visit Partnerships with Employers.