Credit Counseling Success Stories and Reviews

We’re tremendously proud of our clients, many of whom have overcome tremendous odds to pay off their credit card debt. Below are a few success stories to inspire you. They show the light at the end of the tunnel and that credit counseling is the first step to becoming debt free. Don’t get ripped-off by for-profit debt help companies. After reading these client reviews, you’ll see that non-profit debt management programs are an effective path to paying off your debt.

Video Success Stories

Changing lives is our mission at OneVision, and the lives of people is what our mission is all about at OneVision. Every one of our client's stories are important and impactful to not just us, but to inspire others like her. We wanted to record it so that we could share it with you.

The Bryce Crabb Story

Bryce Crabb is an account manager who found himself in a difficult financial situation due to sports gambling during his time in graduate school. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to pay off the debt he had accumulated, which had reached $34,000. It was then that he turned to One Vision International Solutions for help. With the assistance of the team at OneVision, Bryce was able to lower his monthly payments and successfully pay off his debt in just 5 years. 

The Kristi Adams Story

Imagine being $58,000 in debt, now imagine paying it off in only 3 years! When a series of bad spending habits put Kristi and her family in a financial jeopardy. Then, she made a decision to put an end to it, and with OneVision's Debt Management Program Kristi was able to make that debt free dream a reality. 

The Sheryl Hill Story

Meet Sheryl, a retired teacher who was stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of growing credit card debt. She reached out to many other companies trying to end the debt cycle, but only found that they just want to charge expensive fees. Then she discovered that One Vision International Solutions' Debt Management Program and decided that it would be the best way to conquer her debt problem once and for all, and boy was she right.

Hugh Stoute

“It’s Paid Off” – How I Became Debt Free & Saved for a Vacation

Hugh Stoute grew up in Barbados, the beautiful island country in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies and plans to vacation there this summer. The circumstances won’t be vacation perfect. He’ll make the trip ...

How I Raised My Credit Score 200 Points in a Year

When Jeromy Arroyo was growing up, there was a subject “that was pretty much off limits at home and school,” he said. That subject was personal finances. To be a little more specific: credit card ...
Graphic of man cutting through debt

How Mike Bell Paid Off $18,000 in Credit Card Debt

Mike Bell has been through some battles in his life – literally and figuratively –and he just won one that’s a story worth telling. Bell paid off the last of a $18,000 credit card debt ...
Tina Bright and family

How Tina and Eddie Paid Off $24,000 in Credit Card Debt

Everyone knows that debt is an unacceptable subject in polite circles, especially if you’re the one not paying the bills. “Debt is definitely a taboo topic,” Tina Bright said. “Nobody wants to talk about it ...
Michele Allen standing in client home working to pays off her debt

How Michele Conquered $7,000 in Credit Card Debt

Imagine the commotion in a household with five children ages four through 23, run by a single parent who is working three jobs to try and make ends meet. Now toss into the mix eight ...
Military Matt with family who used OneVision services to help payoff their debt

How Matt Paid off $23,000 in Credit Card Debt

Matt Holladay knew he was in trouble four years ago when he sat down at his computer and Googled the word “bankruptcy.” Holladay and his wife Denae had $23,000 in credit card debt and owed ...
Hospital Emergency Room Door

From Medical Emergency to Debt Free: How I Paid Off My Debt

Ryan Nokes was a teenager when his parents gave him his first credit card with this very stern warning: "This for emergency, emergency use only! Don't use it, unless you absolutely have to!" Nokes remembered ...
How I Pay off $32,000

Leave Your Credit Cards at Home: How I Paid Off $32,000

The first week in December Diane Johnson was telling the story about how she got out from under nearly $32,000 in credit card debt and you could tell by the tone of her voice that ...
I paid off $35k - Happy to be debt free

How I Paid off $35k in Four Years

It’s the little things in life that add up. Sometimes those little things are printed on receipts, and they add and add, until one day a molehill of receipts turns into a mountain of debt. ...
Aftermath of Debt - Women fixing broken piggybank

Surviving a Husband’s Death and the Aftermath of Debt

The floor under Alice Stephens’s life collapsed on Christmas Eve, 2010, when her husband of 34 years, Phillip, died of a sudden heart attack. Now a widow, she was deeply bereft and completely unsure what ...
Joanie Asmus Became Debt Free Thanks to OneVision

How this Single Mom Paid off $18,000 with OneVision

One of the many difficulties in dealing with debt is getting past the feeling there is no way out. “Every morning I woke up, I had this dreadful feeling that I was never – EVER! ...
Ron Hynson and Wife

How to Tell Your Wife You are $40,000 in Debt

Ron Hynson carried a secret for years. It kept him up at night and soured his happy personality, but he wouldn’t share it with anyone. Finally, it got to be too much. After almost 10 ...
65k in Debt Credit Cards Paid Off

After Paying Off $65,900 on Credit Cards, He’s on Pay-As-You-Go Plan

Joe Forte celebrates the fact he eliminated $65,900 worth of credit card debt and wonders if his struggle to achieve fiscal sanity will wake up anyone in similar circumstances. “I have a good job, my ...
17 Credit Cards Paid Off

She Paid Off 17 Credit Cards … And $21,000

Jackie Bryan could have paid off the last of her family’s $21,000 credit card debt six months ago, but she and her husband Jason decided to stick it out to the end of the 48-month ...
Jason Debt Free Story

How to Pay Off $30,000 in Credit Card Debt

You have $30,000 in credit card debt and wonder how you got there. More importantly, you wonder how you’ll ever pay it off. As 2021 drew to a close, nearly one in five credit card ...
44k Client Success

I Paid Off $44,000 In Credit Card Debt

In early 2013, when they faced what seemed like hopelessly grim credit card debt, Joe and Stephanie Dorsch made a decision. “We looked at each other and said we didn’t want to still be trying ...
Kim Smith family sitting on sofa

How My Family Stopped the Debt Cycle: We Paid off $35,000 in 4 years

At her worst moments, Kim Smith was suffocating from the chokehold $35,000 worth of credit card debt had on her household. Sometimes, she broke out a spiral notebook, which documented the minimum payments for nine ...
Women Debt Free Jumping

Debt Free After 40 Years Of Credit Card Debt

Rita Robyn is 67 now and still remembers her first credit card. “Got it from Macy’s when I was 22,” she said. “I could buy anything in the store I wanted and charge it. I ...
How I paid off $18,000

How I Paid Off $18,000 in Debt

Don Cobler used to get up before the sun and go to work. He’d get home long after dark, then he’d do it again the next day. And the next and the next. “I was ...
Illustration of man kicking away debt ticking time bomb

How We Paid Off More Thank $100k in Credit Card Debt

Paying off close to $123,000 of debt in less than five years is a great accomplishment. Remaining debt free for five more years is arguably even more amazing, but that’s exactly what Kandy and Russ ...
Ron Hart at his desk in the office

How Ron Hart Paid Off $29,000 in Credit Card Debt

The average American family with credit card debt owes $15,191, which made Ron Hart an above-average American for the last six years. He gladly surrendered this status last September. That’s the day Hart made the final ...
Robin Geller conquered her family's debt.

Family Conquers the Debt Management Plan

Robin Geller’s eyes burst into stars when she walked into a local furniture store and saw a family room arrangement that she knew belonged in her home. The couch, the ottoman, the recliners, the color, ...