
Mini shopping cart filled with school supplies

Save Money On School Folders & Binders

By George Morris | November 3, 2015

Back-to-school shopping is expensive. Save money this new school year by reusing up your old plastic folders, dividers, and binders. Reusing what you already have will help save you big bucks…

Model home lying on top of deed paper with pen

Mistakes In Deeding Property To Children

By George Morris | November 3, 2015

Lots of readers had follow-up questions on a column in which experts said it may not be a good idea to add the names of your children (adult or underage)…

Senior giving money to adult child

Seniors Giving Money To Adult Children: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

By George Morris | November 3, 2015

For years, I’ve been telling my kids they better take care of me in my old age. “Mommy, can we go to McDonald’s?” one of them might ask. “Do you…

Debt Divided in a Divorce

How Debt Is Split in Divorce: Credit Card, Mortgage, Auto & Medical

By Joey Johnston | November 3, 2015

Splitting assets is a priority for married couples, but what happens with debt during a divorce is just as important, with financial implications that last for years. Every divorcing couple…

Red feathered pen on wooden table with the words Wills and Estates to the left

Wills & Estates

By George Morris | November 3, 2015

Passing money and assets from one generation to the next, before death or after, is a big part of financial mobility and security. This section provides financial planning information for…

Wooden block pyramid with healthcare icons on each block

How to Pick a Health Plan

By George Morris | November 3, 2015

This open-enrollment season, many employees will have to decipher a confusing alphabet soup of options. Do you stick with an HMO, a PPO or a POS? Or should you switch…

How do deal with money wasters

How to Stop Enabling Financially Irresponsible Family Members

By Joey Johnston | November 3, 2015

Dealing with the Financially Irresponsible Giving financial help to a family member – especially if it’s yet another cash payment earmarked for an adult child – may seem like something…

Teach Kids Money

How To Teach Kids The Value Of A Dollar

By George Morris | October 29, 2015

Managing money and making sound financial decisions has never been more challenging. At the very core, however, are the unchanged basics of planning carefully, spending wisely and saving regularly. These…


By George Morris | October 29, 2015

How To Rebuild Credit After Divorce Divorce is one of the biggest causes of financial distress and bankruptcy. If you find yourself starting over after a divorce, these are the…

Mortgage Title Papers and Keys

Adding Adult Child To Your Home Title Can Cause Problems

By George Morris | August 5, 2015

Patricia Davis, a Maryland-based financial coach, says that every time she gives a lecture on money, someone always asks this question: Is it a good idea to add an adult…