Debt Consolidation

man managing his debt consolidation loans online

Online Debt Consolidation

By Joey Johnston | March 5, 2020

What Is Online Debt Consolidation? Consumers who want to consolidate debt, can expedite the process by using online tools to enroll in either nonprofit debt consolidation (better known as a…

Medical Debt Money

Medical Bill Consolidation

By George Morris | October 10, 2019

If you’re sick of medical bills, don’t despair. There are cures for America’s medical debt epidemic, and what a plague it is. Americans spent $4.3 trillion on medical bills in…

Consolidate Credit Card Debt Without Hurting Your Credit Score

How to Consolidate Credit Card Debt Without Hurting Your Credit

By Tom Jackson | September 6, 2019

Keeping up with your debt payments and, ideally, paying down what you owe, is a crucial aspect of your financial life. Staying current makes it easier to rent an apartment,…

Couple contemplating borrowing from life insurance policy

Borrowing from Life Insurance to Consolidate Debt

By Tom Jackson | August 30, 2019

When was the last time you considered your life insurance policy as a bailout for credit card debt? “WHAT?” Use an insurance policy to pay off credit card debt? Yes,…

Know your options for paying off your debt

Home Equity to Consolidate Debt

By Heather Eggers | August 22, 2019

That creaking, groaning sound you hear when you dare peek at the interest you’re paying on your credit card balances isn’t your imagination. It’s your financial roof threatening to cave…

Withdraw Money 401k

Should I Close My 401(k) and Withdraw My Funds?

By Robert Shaw | July 30, 2019

Money saved in a 401k plan has multiple benefits, often growing unnoticed through pre-tax payroll deductions and employer matches. It can be a comfort to see just how much you…

Man on a mountain of high interest rates looking at a refinancing flag

Credit Card Refinancing

By George Morris | July 12, 2019

About Credit Card Refinancing Interest rates are never as low as we’d like — or sometimes need them to be – but credit card refinancing is one step consumers can…

Debt Consolidation vs Bankruptcy on blue background

Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy

By Michael Knisley | July 12, 2019

The average family with credit card debt carries a balance of $8,425, a number that has surged during the country’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. In an inopportune convergence, consumers…

Debt Consolidation vs Debt Management Man Budgeting

Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Management

By George Morris | July 12, 2019

American consumers have rebuilt the nation’s credit card debt to record levels and in the process rekindled the debate about whether debt management or a debt consolidation loan is the…

Debt Consolidation Programs & How They Work

By Tom Jackson | June 24, 2019

What Is a Debt Consolidation Program? Debt consolidation combines high-interest credit card bills into a single monthly payment at a reduced interest rate. Paying less interest saves money and allows…